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Creating Distributions

How to send a Distributions in the New UI.

Adam Giles avatar
Written by Adam Giles
Updated over 5 months ago

The Vuelio Distributions module allows you to create customised html email press releases, event invites and other communications to send to your target groups. These can then be reviewed (Click HERE for the guide on reviewing email stats). One of the main features is that links you add to your distributions can be tracked so you know who has been looking at / downloading assets.

Firstly, navigate to the Distributions Module:

Then click the "Compose Distribution" button over on the right hand side of the page:

You will see the information for input span across two Tabs:

CONTENT - This tab holds all wordage to be input into your press release/ distribution.

DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS - This tab (after selecting Email) will ask you for details of who the email is to come from using integrated DNS, plus information regarding recipients and also confirmation of what your Distribution will look like.

You have the ability to select from multiple templates which have coding which grabs data across from the CONTENT tab. These templates can be amended by contacting [email protected]. This will help cut down the time spent on design, as we can add logo's, notes to editor etc for you initially.

Firstly, let's take a look at the left side of the CONTENT tab:

1. Name your Distribution - An internal field for your reference only.

2. Add a Headline - This will also become the subject line of your email.

3. Subheading - Make this a snappy introduction to your story, it will appear below your Headline (If it is a part of your template in { } ).

4. Optional Categorisation:

  • Category - Allows you to filter distributions in the future by subject matter, also allows reporting of this metric. These need to be set up by [email protected] initially.

  • Tags - Not reportable but allow to filter previously sent filters by this metric. These can be created on the fly by typing and pressing 'Enter'.

  • Key Messages - Use these as needed for your set up to categorise and report on previously sent distributions.

5. Distribution Attributes - Allows you to choose whether this Distribution is Proactive or Reactive (You may also leave this as "None". This is for internal filtering purposes).

6. Display Date - This is the date which is displayed on your email.

7. Schedule Date - The date and time you wish to send your email.

Please note: if you schedule this for the future as in the picture above, please also amend the Display date to match it.

On the right side of the CONTENT tab, you will see 3 large text boxes (Core Copy, Notes to Editor, Boiler Plate). These, in functionality all work exactly the same. The only thing to note here is that these will link to your template in the Distribution Channels tab. So you need to be aware of their position in the template. If you leave them blank, they will not appear in the sent email.

Let's look at the functionality:

The main text of your Distribution can either be straight copied and pasted straight into the text area. This will also bring across any images within your WORD document. Just remember to click "Keep Formatting". For Pasting, please use CTRL+ V.

You can Format the text to remove any links and images.
​Insert Asset and the Link Icon are great ways of using Vuelio as your host of images and documents. See THIS link for more details.

It is possible to wrap your text around any images added, in one of two ways:

  1. Use the Left/Right Justify icons

    Add the images first as above, then after clicking the image, select left or right justify from the editing options >

  2. Click into Distribution Channels (and select Email from the dropdown) to preview your email (on the right hand side) and your text should now be wrapped around the image >

    If you wish to increase the space around the image, right click the image and choose "Advanced" >

    Complete the Vertical/Horizontal space fields with a number, this is in pixels. Click "Save" and check back in the Distribution Channel tab to see how it looks. I've chosen 20, and this looks like a reasonable amount of space >


  3. Create a table

    Select the table option and choose how many cells you require >

Select a cell in the table, and add images and text as you usually would. If you add the table last, you can just drag and drop images and text into the cells >

You may still link the image to your asset library, make it bigger and smaller etc. The spacing of text in these cells can also be amended using the standard enter to move up and down and also, the cell divider too >

In some cases in order to accomplish the desired look, it may look different/strange in the Content Tab. But when looking at the Distribution Channels tab, the actual email will look great >

Once editing is complete:

Head to the 'Distribution Channels' tab at the top of the page.

Select 'Email' from the drop down to open the email settings >

(If you are posting your Distribution to the Newsroom, click HERE)

Email settings:

Preview (1) - Firstly as in the image above, you will see all your content completed in order of your template. If you have not completed all fields like the Subheading above, do not worry, in the live email this will not show and will just be a blank space. If you need to make changes to the text you can just click into the CONTENT tab and back again as you wish.

Email From (2) - Add the name and email address you want your email to appear from. By default your emails are sent from a Vuelio domain. To send from your own brand/organisation's domain you'll need to amend your DNS settings.

Greeting Format (3) - Type in your preferred greeting and select the format to use. For example type 'Hi' and select 'First name' to display the greeting as 'Hi Joe'. If you do not have the Greeting code on your template, you can add in {Greeting} to the space in your content tab where you wish the greeting to appear.

Select who to send your Distribution to:

Groups - These are the groups you've saved in Vuelio. Click '+' to select the groups you want to send to. You can select multiple groups, if a recipient is in more than one group with the same email address, the system will automatically dedupe this from the email sent.

Contacts & Outlets - Select contacts or outlets to add to your recipient list.

Manual Recipients - Add individual recipients or import from a CSV file.

Send a test to preview your email:
It's always a good idea to preview your html email prior to sending to your recipients and get a second pair of eyes on it to proof read and check links.

To send yourself or a colleague a test email, enter your email address and click 'Send Test'.

Finally, to send your Distribution, click SAVE on the top right. This will save the Distribution as a Draft, you will then have the ability to SEND the Distribution.

See Also:

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