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Export Coverage from Monitoring Inbox

How to download Data, Clips and Content

Adam Giles avatar
Written by Adam Giles
Updated over a week ago

Broadcast Clips

Firstly navigate to the Monitoring Inbox and locate your Broadcast Coverage using the 'Source Type' filter on the left:

Once you locate your broadcast coverage, click the headline to view the article page, and you will now see the option at the top to "Download Media Clip":

Once selected, you will see a pop up, informing you that proceeding will reduce their total available downloads by one:

Click "Yes" and it may take upto 3 minutes to process the clip. This pop up will appear when it is ready to download:

NOTE: Files are typically downloaded as .wma or .wmv files - if you have trouble opening this format of audio/video file we suggest manually renaming it to a .mp4 file.

If you have no available downloads you will see the following pop up. You will need to speak to your Account Manager or Support team to arrange download options:

Excel Data

Firstly navigate to the Monitoring Inbox and locate Coverage using the filters on the left:

Select coverage with the tick boxes to the side, or use the button in the image below to select all.

Clicking the Export button after selecting coverage allows you to download all data to a CSV file. Remember you can select all with the checkbox at the very top of the coverage:

NOTE: The Data export will be limited to a maximum of 5000 articles.


Firstly navigate to the Monitoring Inbox and locate Coverage using the filters on the left:

You will need to switch to the Analytics view using the icon on the top left after choosing your filters:

If you wish to download ALL the charts above to a PDF, you will find the option for this on the top right of the set of charts:



Firstly navigate to the Monitoring Inbox and locate Coverage using the filters on the left:

You will need to switch to the Analytics view using the icon on the top left after choosing your filters:

Each chart has the option to select the icon indicated below, there you will see the option to download the chart individually to a JPG file:

See Also:

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