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Viewing, Editing & Add/Remove Articles (Monitoring Inbox)
Viewing, Editing & Add/Remove Articles (Monitoring Inbox)
Adam Giles avatar
Written by Adam Giles
Updated over 5 months ago

This guide assumes you have already looked at how to search for your coverage using the filters or saved search options and are now looking to view your coverage. From this guide you will also learn how to amend/edit coverage in different ways and prepare for reporting.

Once you have used filters have are showing the articles you wish to amend or report on, you have the following options available:

View your Coverage

The standard view of your coverage allows you to see an overview of the piece, see below for a breakdown of information:

Outlet Name - The name of the Outlet the clip originates. You may click the Outlet and this will direct you to the Database profile.

Author/Contact - The name of the author of the article. If you click this, you will navigate to the journalists profile in the Database.

Headline - The Headline of the article, clicking this will navigate to the Article Profile page below, which will provide you with text of the article, confirmation of the feed used, and also further similar reading from the same publication. From here you can also Delete and Edit coverage:

Snippet of Article - As it says, a small portion of the article.

Keyword/Phrase Searched - These are the keywords and phrases you searched for.

Date & Time - Date and time the article was published.

Edit Clip - Allows the option of Editing the clip. Click HERE for a full guide.

Delete Clip - Removes the clip from your platform. Please note you will have options to select e.g. Irrelevant.

Link to URL - This navigates you to the location of the live article e.g. webpage.

Tag Groups & Tags Associated - This will confirm which Tags are found within the article and which Tag Groups those Tags are from. Click HERE for a full guide.

Country of Origin - As the name suggests.

A.V.E. - The Advertising Value Equivalent.

Reach - The potential reach of the location of the article.

Media Type - Confirmation of the media type the article is from.

Edit Coverage

By selecting the edit icon from the coverage list, you have the ability to amend certain data points of your coverage, for more information about the fields, refer to the list in the How to Add Coverage guide:

Add/Remove Coverage

If you have received a piece of coverage which has not been picked up by Vuelio, your first step is to contact [email protected] and find out why this happened. It could be the publication is not currently on our reading list (in this case we can add it quite easily), or the keyword sets we are using excluded the article for some reason (this will be investigated).

In a similar way, coverage can be removed from your account too, read below to find out how.

How to Add Coverage to your monitoring account

Whatever the reason, you can add the coverage manually so you can run your reports and include the metrics of the missed article.

Firstly, navigate to the Monitoring Inbox:

Then click 'Create Article' on the top right hand side:

From here it's a case of entering as many details as you can about the clip:

Title - The headline of the article.

Published - When the article was published/created.

Article - Copy and paste the text of the article here.

Add Outlet - This lets you add the outlet to the article, this searches the Database for you so be careful to add the article to the correct outlet. You will also have the ability to add a new Outlet here too. Click HERE for a full guide.

Add Contact - This will search the Database and match the correct journalist to the article. You can add the Contact using THIS guide first if they are not currently on the Database.

Sentiment - Allows you to choose the Tone of the article.

URL - If an online clip, paste the link here.

AVE - Totally optional, if you wish to use AVE and you have your own calculation, place it here. Our platform will automatically populate this initially.

Reach - If the outlet is in our Database, the reach figure will auto populate.

Type - Choose the type of publication from the dropdown.

Tags - Here you can associate coverage with specific tags already being used.

Global Category - Choose from the dropdown list if you are using these.

Releases - This option allows you to manually associate Press Releases to your coverage. Check out THIS guide on how to do this automatically.

Notes - Are a good way of saving manually input information regarding the current article, these are also included in your alerts in lieu of Snippets.

NB. Remember to click 'Save' once you are done.

Your article will now be viewable via the main Monitoring search and will be included in all reporting charts.

How to remove coverage from your monitoring account

Select articles with the checkboxes at the side of each and click 'Delete' in the toolbar above:

This will then show a pop up, asking for the reason you are deleting the selected:

An individual article can also be deleted by clicking the bin icon (this will give you a pop up and ask you to confirm or cancel):

NB. Once deleted, this coverage will be removed from your account, it will not show up on any searches or any reports. So please make sure you definitely need to delete the articles first!

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