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Prominence Scoring & Charts
Prominence Scoring & Charts

Use Prominence for Qualitative Analysis in the Monitoring Inbox

Adam Giles avatar
Written by Adam Giles
Updated over 3 months ago

Vuelio Prominence Scoring applies a figure to each article, taking into account the number of times your keyword (Tag) appears, the density of the article (wordcount) and whether or not the keyword (Tag) appears in the headline.

Wordcount Scoring:

Each article is scored according to wordcount and assigned points. These points are then multiplied by the number of times your Tag appears. Additional points are added to this score if the Tag also features in the headline.














Vuelio is mentioned twice in a 270-word article. The calculation for this is:

2 x 15 points = 30 points

Pulsar also appears in the headline for this article, so an additional 50 points are awarded.

30 + 50 = 80 points

This article receives a Prominence Score of 80 points.


This figure is a comparative metric, meaning the Prominence Score for an article is only of use when compared with the scores of other Tags. For example, using the above calculations, we might determine that Pulsar was featured in 3 articles with a combined total Prominence Score of 150 points. The average Prominence Score for these 3 articles is 50 points.

Vuelio however, was featured in 5 articles over the same timeframe. Their combined total Prominence Score is 100 points. The average Prominence Score for these 5 articles is 20 points.

From this we can conclude that although Vuelio has a higher volume of coverage, overall their prominence is lower than that of Pulsar.

Prominence Charts in the Monitoring Inbox

In the dashboards section of the Monitoring Inbox, Prominence plays into a large portion of the charts.

Firstly, click through to the Monitoring Inbox:

Select the Analysis Icon on the top left, and select the Prominence dashboard, this already has a set of pre-created charts:

These charts can then be edited in much the same way as you usually would. Click HERE for a guide on editing Charts.

The alternative is to create your own dashboard and add your own set of Prominence charts, you can drag and drop into your dashboards as you usually would:

See Also:

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