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Log an Enquiry

Log communications with Media contacts

Adam Giles avatar
Written by Adam Giles
Updated over 4 months ago

An Enquiry is a communication which can be logged against a Media Outlet or Individual Contact. This could be for keeping a record of communications with Media contacts. This module is versatile so you can customise Type's and Category dropdowns explained below.

Click HERE for privacy settings at the bottom of this guide.

To create an Enquiry, firstly navigate to the Enquiry module >

This will take you to a screen where you can see all previously created Enquiries, you can also search through them using the filters (click show options for searching filters). You will need to click the Create button on the top right to get started on a new one >

You will need to complete all the fields possible >

Contact - This is the contact you have been speaking with, this enquiry will also link into their profile.

Summary - This is the title for te Enquiry which will show in the main Enquiries page so you know what it was all about.

Enquiry - This is the question, statement, request etc. You could just copy and paste from your email into this field with all the information regarding the Enquiry.

Team notes - This section you can fill in with any ad-hoc info or communications with your team.

There are further fields on the right to be completed. All fields with the asterisk are compulsory.

Status - Mark if this is active or completed

Direction - If this is reactive to an enquiry which has come through or maybe you are setting up a meeting with a journalist for a particular reason.

User - This is the user who has opened the enquiry. You can change this at any time if someone is taking this over.

Team - Sometimes in organisations different teams may be using the platform and therefore logging their own enquiries. (This can be customised by our support team)

Type - This can be customised so you can have different Enquiry types. E.g. Media Enquiry, Meeting etc.

Category - This can be customised by our support team too, to identify the overarching Category of the Enquiry. E.g. Corporate, Consumer.

Sentiment - This is where you can record the tone of the enquiry, is it a complaint? Or does it look favourable to your organisation.

Date / Deadline - Here you can log the date the Enquiry came in, and also if a Deadline is required.

Related Subject / Release - Here you can assign the Enquiry you are building out, to a previously created Subject, or assign it to a release to show they are directly related. Click HERE to learn more about Subjects.

Remember to "Save" once you're done!

When viewing contact profiles, you will now see Enquiries associated with them >

Enquiries will also appear when searching for contacts/outlets >

Privacy Settings

Privacy settings can be selected along to top of the Enquiry and can be selected while editing >

This first Icon signifies all users can see and edit the enquiry.

This icon allows users attached to select groups of modules to be able to view and edit this enquiry (plus the creator).

This option allows those users selected to be the only ones to view and edit this enquiry (plus the creator).

This icon privatises the enquiry so only the initial creator can view/edit it.

See also:

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