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What is a Subject and how to use them

Adam Giles avatar
Written by Adam Giles
Updated over 3 months ago

A Subject is an area of the platform, in which you can associate different types of communications to an overarching project of sorts, and report on them at a later date. Subjects forms part of our CRM offering and are sometimes known as Issues, Campaigns or Topics; we can essentially name this as per your request.

Creating & Maintaining Subjects

Firstly, navigate to the Subjects module, sometimes this is known as 'Issues' >

This first page will show you a list of all the currently created Subjects >

Next you can click to Create a new Subject up on the top right of the window.

From here you can enter the details of the Subject. The fields with the asterisk are compulsory >

Note: Types and Categories can be pre-defined by the Support Team.

You may also add Enquiries from this same window by ticking the box on the top right of my above caption.

Once the Subject has been created, you will be able to relate your other communications with them.

Navigate to the Subject module and select one to see everything related to it >

Here you can see I have 2 Enquiries attached. But you can also relate other items too.
All can be created using the Add Related button on the top right of the screen >

This will then allow you to add the following:

Briefings - If you select this option you can add the briefing to the subject at the same time.

Enquiry - Click HERE for a full guide on adding these.

Release - Click HERE for a full guide on creating releases.

Coverage - You are best to add coverage from the Media Monitoring module. Click HERE for a full guide.

Calendar - Add events to the calendar. Click HERE for a full guide.

Click into a Subject, then click Summary >

To summarise, on the top right of the Summary , you can Print this Dossier >

Privacy Settings

Privacy settings can be selected along to top of the Enquiry and can be selected while editing >

This first Icon signifies all users can see and edit the enquiry.

This icon allows users attached to select groups of modules to be able to view and edit this enquiry (plus the creator).

This option allows those users selected to be the only ones to view and edit this enquiry (plus the creator).

This icon privatises the enquiry so only the initial creator can view/edit it.

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