Group types are a way of mapping and organising the Groups of contacts/outlets you have created in the Media Database.
Group Types is a way of categorising your Groups into specific sets. This allows for further sorting and searching thereafter.
You can create your own Group Types, by firstly navigating to the module:
In the filters on the left, select "private group results only":
Creating New Group Types
Select Group Types on the top right, this will give you the ability to either create a NEW Group Type, or Edit/Delete already created Group Types:
Once you have clicked "Create & Save" this Group Type(s) will be available to choose from when assigning Groups in the future >
Assigning A Group Type
You can click into the Group you wish to add a Group Type to, and then select either a pre-existing Group Type or you can also create a new one from here >
Searching using Group Types
In the main Groups module, you will now be able to locate sets of lists by using the Group Types filter:
Now you will see all the Groups within the specific Group Type selected:
See also: