Limitation on Group Sizes:
With a wealth of Database contacts at your fingertips it can be tempting to select all and send a press release to the world. However, this may be detrimental to your account.
At Vuelio we would advise you to create your lists with caution. Make sure you target as much as possible using the filters provided to you. Build your list knowing that if you are not targeting the right contacts, they have the right to unsubscribe from your emails.
A contact unsubscribing you means stopping you from contacting that individual again. So you may loose out on a crucial contact.
You have the ability to create lists of around 2000 contacts, however, we highly advise you make smaller dedicated lists and only send out to the hundreds if at all possible. This way, you are more targeted, you can keep track of contacts, and build relationships easier.
Make sure your content is relatable and necessary for the contacts you are sending these to. The worst thing for a journalist, is to receive an email with reems of content which they then have to sort through to find the point. We advise to add a more personal paragraph along the top of the email to summarise what the email is about, before they have to read the whole lot.
Images are a great pull for journalists, to be able to use a high res image in their copy could be really great for your product or service. But, you need to make sure the email is not compromised by large files. Follow our guide to linking images, making them clickable, downloadable links, instead of making the journalist download a 10mb email.
Additional Pointers –
Make building a press release seamless by sending [email protected] your templates. These helps to populate your releases quicker.
Set your DNS settings for seamless sending of emails so they look like they are sent from your account to the journalist directly, this eliminates the (Via Vuelio) statement in the “Email From”.