What do they do?
When creating your Canvas, you can add titles to the tiles. You may know this already and have hidden them in the past. However, you can also brand these titles with your company colours using a Colour Tag.
Other uses include:
Branding certain tiles of a certain client (If an agency, good to showcase what you are doing for a selection of clients).
Identifying difference types of tiles, or even categorising tiles by your business areas.
See below how currently the titles of the tiles are either Black or Grey. Not very appealing.
Lets see how we can make these look more interesting and "on brand".
How to create a Colour Tags
If you have already created some tiles, hover over the top right corner of the tile and select the pencil icon:
When it pops up with your tile options, make sure you have the "show title" option selected, this is not available for some tiles:
Once you've allowed the titles to show, you then need to scroll down and click the pencil icon next to "Select a colour tag". This option will allow you to create/edit your colour tags:
Here you will then see the option to Create a New Colour Tag, or select ones which have been created previously:
Let's create a new tag. There are only a few option here, so it's nice and easy:
Name your Colour Tag.
The border colour appears along the top of the Colour Tag, as you select each colour selector it will show you a preview of what the colour tag looks like at the top.
The background colour surrounds the text in the colour tag, same as above, you will see a preview.
The font colour is the text of the title itself.
Remember to save once you're done!
When you click the colour box next to each of the options above, the pop up will allow you to select from the range of colours:
Colour picker, first choose the main colour
Choose the shade of the colour
OR you can enter the Hex code for your company's colours, much easier than trying to match manually.
Click ok and go on to the next colour to choose.
Once your Colour tag is set up, click the tick next to the colour tag you wish to use for this tile:
The colour tag will then show in the tile pop up window, and as always remember to click Save once you're done. Now your Colour Tag is set up, you can go into each of your tiles, making sure each of them have the "show tile" selected and select the colour tag to use. Your Canvas can then look something like the below showing all colour tags. The only exception is the Quote Tile, these cannot have titles shown.